Understanding Quaker Worship
Friends typically call a church service “meeting for worship,” and worship can happen in any place—a church building (which we call the “meetinghouse”), outside, or anywhere. Early Friends often met for worship on hillsides or in local public buildings.
Like other denominations, Friends have branched into different forms of worship. The original Friends worshipped in what we call “unprogrammed” style, with silent worship times punctuated by Friends “speaking into the silence” if they felt inspired by spirit. Programmed Friends follow a Protestant format, with a call to worship, hymns, prayer, and a vocal message, which may or may not be followed or preceded by a time of silent worship.
Sunday worship
Here at Noblesville Friends, we follow this programmed (also called “semi-programmed”) style, with a traditional format, hymns, prayer, scripture, and vocal ministry, followed by about 15 minutes of silence for prayer, listening, and reflection.
Here's the general outline we follow each Sunday morning:
Worship begins at 10:30 am.
- Welcome and announcements
- Prelude
- Call to worship
- Hymn
- Offertory
- Pastoral prayer
- Choir special music or second hymn
- Communion in the manner of Friends (open worship)
- Scripture reading
- Message
- Moment for reflection
- Hymn
- Benediction and postlude
Bible study