We're Back Meeting in Person!
We hope you are doing well and looking forward to spring, wherever you are. We are grateful that COVID has reduced in our area to the point that we can meet together again safely. We hope you'll join us one Sunday at 10:30am!
We also continue to live stream services as well, for those who prefer to participate virtually. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/O1mzombtvJE.
Stay safe and well and do all you can to promote the well-being of those in your world, Friends!
2022 Friendly Reflections for Lent
Each year during Lent we do a series of reflections on Quaker quotes with the intention to deeply our worship and sense of God-with-us. With this year's calendar we are invited to reflect on the theme of World Peace. How might each of these Quaker ideas, taken to heart, contribute to peace in our world? How might we experience God's presence with us more directly, and help share the Light of God's goodness with all?